CHOICE.exe – Windows CMD Command
Accept user input to a batch file. Choice allows single key-presses to be captured from the keyboard.
CHOICE [/c [choiceKeys]] [/N] [/CS] [/t Timeout /d Choice] [/m Text]
/C[:]choiceKeys : One or more keys the user can press. Default is YN.
/N : Do not display choiceKeys at the end of the prompt string.
/CS : Make the choiceKeys Case Sensitive.
/T Timeout : Timeout in Timeout seconds
If Timeout is 0 there will be no pause and the
default will be selected.
/d choice : Default choice made on Timeout.
/m text : Message string to describe the choices available.
ERRORLEVEL will return the numerical offset of choice keys.
Choice.exe is a standard command in Windows 2003 and greater, it was first made available in the Windows XP resource kit.
CHOICE can be used to set a specific %errorlevel%
for example to set the %errorlevel% to 6 :
ECHO 6| CHOICE /C 123456 /N >NUL
CHOICE /C CH /M Select [C] CD or [H] Hard drive
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 goto sub_hard_drive
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 goto sub_cd