FSUTIL.exe – Windows CMD Command
File and Volume specific commands, Hardlink management, Quota management, USN, Sparse file, Object ID, and Reparse point management.
Filename management options (for the Local System):FSUTIL 8dot3name
View or set File system Behavior:FSUTIL behavior
Mark a File system as dirty to invoke Chkdsk:FSUTIL dirty
File operations:FSUTIL file
Display filesystem information:FSUTIL fsinfo
Manage hardlink(s):FSUTIL hardlink
Edit an object identifier:
FSUTIL objectid
QUOTA Management:FSUTIL quota
Self healing management:FSUTIL repair
Query a reparse point:FSUTIL reparsepoint
Transactional Resource Manager:FSUTIL resource
Sparse files:FSUTIL sparse
Enable management of storage tier functions, setting and disabling flags and listing of tiersFSUTIL tiering
Manages NTFS transactions.FSUTIL transaction
Manage the Update Sequence Number (USN) change journal:FSUTIL usn
Volume management, Dismount a volume or query the hard drive to determine how much free space is currently available or which file is using a particular cluster: FSUTIL volume
Functions to discover and manage Windows Image (WIM)-backed files:FSUTIL wim
To run FSUTIL, you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group.
FSUTIL outputs a NULL character (not a space) after every drive specifier, this can cause difficulty when piping the output of fsutil into other commands (particularly FOR). The output from FSUTIL varies by OS see this forum thread for more detail.
Some features in fsutil are reported to not work correctly under FAT or FAT32 volumes e.g. FSUTIL dirty query.